I am not an artist but was fascinated when I saw them. Here are few senseless interpretations of the few wonderful pieces by my friend..
That's life!
Looks dreadful indeed. Now you know what you can feel happy about.

The Artificial Glow!
Even man-made glow can enlighten the world. All you need is an inspiration to provide it!
You get up early morning and watch out of the window and realize this is the perfect day to doze off! Call your manager in a squeaky voice and say you are unwell and not able to come to office. And just kill time lying idle and reading a long unattended book.
Into the clear blue sky!
Sometimes it is better to sit and relax rather than flying!

Light and Fire!
Amazed by the power to illuminate and to burn. Choice is in our court!

Seeking the path!
Our dark empty life etched over a bright lively world. Happiness depends on how much we can discover that brighter side.

Perfect Past!
Looks like the memories of the perfect past. Past always is perfect, isn't it!
The other side of the story!
The setup for a perfect romantic scene. But yet incomplete. The just perfect romantic scene without a perfect couple! That is what makes all the difference!
A heart inside a heart inside a heart!!! Love has no bounds..
No.. The man is not peeing!! Weird pic though!?!?
Every man is at the turning point of his life some or the other time, you just just don't need to turn away from it. You should rather face it.

Reminded of your old gold days.. That was exactly the purpose, always treasure those days.

Beautiful indeed!
Music too can be beautiful. Desperately waiting for the touch..

Every Picture says something. You just need to interpret it in a way that it helps you!
Thank You photographer!!! :)
love u a lot dear.......
dil khush kar diya.....
nice pics...really...
niceeee....loved itttt!!!
Nice clicks Mr photographer..and wonderful compilation Miss F22! :P
Nice pics Shreetam! And my guesses that the interpretations are yours too :P Swati, sorry for stealing the credits from you :D But thats what I felt. Agar tera hai toh! Awesome thats called Pyaar ke side effects - INDUCTION :P Jokes aside, very nice interpretations though! Loved them.
Thanks Neha and Hardik.
And PD, that is so unfair.. When he showed me the pics, I actually told him not to speak a word or my thoughts will get influenced.
Mr. Photographer please clarify.
@Hardik, Neha and PD:
Thanks for all the appreciation.
I still have a lot to learn about the various camera-tricks that professional photographers use! Hopefully will pick them up soon.
@PD :
The interpretations belong to Swati. I had my own interpretations when I clicked them, but she did tell me not to mention those, lest I influence hers.
So the credit for the interpretations goes to her... all of it. (I do not mind the INDUCTION part. That might be right! Hahaha!)
1. For all the undue attention that you have got for a few of my stupid clicks.
2. For the wonderful interpretations. In fact, the interpretations are even better than the photographs itself.
Just a single word: THANKS!
Stupid! Idiot! Fool!
Thanks to you, for everything..
he he :) NICE then! My apologies to Swati for taking the due credits off her! HATS OFF to YOU :)
But you have it Shreetam! Because I still hold on to the mutual induction part! :P
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